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Pleasant Rock Baptist Church Church History 1897-present By: Cecil Hill – June 1997 Revised by: Debra Pope – June 2011

INTRODUCTION: In the Qate ÑÔÕÐ’V PhOQQOp Garner and GeSrge MSVV had a dream SF eVtabQOVhOng a neX church for their families and community. That dream became a reality in June, 1897, when they purchased four and one-half acres of land from William H. Burkhalter located in the lower section of Greenwood County, and then known as Cooper Town. Today, that site of land is located on the present day Pleasant Rock Church Road. George Moss and Phillip Garner were the original trustees of the land. They and several other community leaders banded together and FSrmed PQeaVant RSck Creek BaptOVt Church. The “Creek” XaV drSpped and the church XaV known as Pleasant Rock Baptist Church and followed the Baptist Doctrine. Records of the original membership and the cost of construction have been lost over the years. Services were held in the open field until the building was completed. FIRST GENERATION OF DEACONS: At the beginning there were ten members on the deacon board. Four of the ten were ex-slaves. These men were hard working, dedicated Christians with a vision. They donated their time, labor and other resources to get the building completed and the church organized. Through hard work, prayer, and the help of God, they accomplished their goal. The ex-slaves included George Moss, Phillip Garner, Henry King and Sam Christopher. The six who were not slaves were Pink Hart, Anderson Monroe, Jack Garner, Mack Martin, Noah Christopher and Sandy Jackson. The faithfulness and steadfast love of these men and their spouses for the church and for one another have been passed from generation to generation. The descendants of these deacons are still running the church and carryOng Sn GSd’V XSrk. SECOND GENERATION OF DEACONS: The second generation of deacons included George King Chester Johnson, Harrison Morse, Carroll Moss, Leonard Hart and Zeke Christie. THIRD GENERATION OF DEACONS: The third generation of deacons included: Daniel Moss, Walter Hill, Sr. Osia H. Morse, Johnnie Harts, Walter Hill, Jr., and Clarence Jabber, Sr. FOURTH GENERATION OF DEACONS: The fourth generation and present day deacons: Clarence Jabber, Jr., Larry Pope Sr., Cecil Hill, Sr., Charlie Harts, Carl Crochen, James Lewis, James Jabber, George Williams. CHURCH TRUSTEES: Church records indicate that George Moss and Phillip Garner were the church first trustees. Due to inadequate record keeping, there is no other mention of trustees. In 2010, the newly elected pastor Rev. LeShown Goodwin assigned four members to attend trustee in





training classes. The Trustees were installed November 14, 2010. The four Trustees are Debra Pope, Doris Pope Miller, Keila Lindsay and LaTrell Harts. HISTORY OF PASTORS: Pleasant Rock has been blessed with a host of dedicated pastors. The exact dates and length of service of the pastors before 1940 are unknown. The first pastor was Rev. Elex Spearman. Other early pastors included Rev. H.D. Mitchell, Rev. George Morgan, Rev. Foxx, ReW. CSrner and ReW. ErneVt GSSde. ReW. JShn H. GSSdman XaV eQected On the earQZ ÑÕÒÐ’V and served until his death in 1952. Rev. Steven L. McCain was elected in 1953 and served until 1976. Rev. Eugene Reeder served from 1976 to 1978. Rev. James G. Lyles was elected in October 1978 and served until 1987. In 1988 Rev. Hattie J. Williams was elected pastor. This was a historic event in that Rev. Williams was the first woman to serve as pastor of a Black Baptist Church in this area. It was a momentous occasion, it was also brief and Rev. Williams served as pastor for only several months. In November 1988, Rev. Robert A. Taylor was elected as pastor and served until October 2009. Rev. LeShown Goodwin was elected pastor in January 2010 and continues to serve at present. HISTORY OF MUSIC MINISTRY: In 1982, Mrs. Alice Thomas was hired as the first church musician. She organized a gospel choir along with the senior choir. Mrs. Thomas served as church musician until 2004. In 2005, Deacon Larry Pope re-instated the gospel choir. In 2010 Deacon Mike Foster was appointed as choir director. In 2011, the senior choir merged with the gospel choir. Church Affiliations: Throughout the years, Pleasant Rock has been active in the Macedonia Sunday School convention, the Simmon Ridge Samaritan Baptist Association, the 1st Division of Simmon Ridge Samaritan Union, Shilo Usher Board Union and other organizations in keeping with the doctrine, creed and covenant of the Baptist church. CONTRUCTION OF THE NEW PLEASANT ROCK: The first Pleasant Rock built in 1897 was used for service until the end of July 1981. Under the QeaderVhOp SF ReW. JShn H. GSSdman, a paVtSr’V VtudZ, cSnFerence rSSm and eQectrOc QOghtV Xere added On the Qate ÑÕÒÐ’V. The Odea SF rebuOQdOng the church SrOgOnated with Rev. Steven L. McCain in 1972. The idea was further encouraged by Rev. Eugene Reeder. It was Rev. James D. Lyles who took the noble task SF “engOneerOng” the rebuOQdOng SF the church On ÑÕÓÕ. Rev. Lyles appointed a building committee consisting Deacon Osia Morse, Deacon Clarence Jabber, Sr., Deacon Cecil Hill, Sister Vivian Harris and Sister Earline K. Pope. He inspired the committee and the member and things began to move. He told the congregation to have faith and pray and that all things are possible with God. In 1978, the building fund had $10,598 on hand. In 1979 bids for a contract were taken for the new building. The contract was awarded to Coleman Bishop of Newberry, SC for $46,500. Prior to beginning construction, the committee applied for a loan from two financial institutions. The loan was denied by both institutions. As a result of not being able to obtain a




loan, the members were determined to build all the more. The contractor agreed to build and aQQSXed the church tS dS “paZ aV Xe gS” basis. Construction began in 1980. At this point in time members became active raising money for the building fund. Money was raised by having $50, $100, and $500 rallies. Also money was raised by having yard sales, selling candy, perfume, salt and pepper shakers, pot holders and by having raffles. In addition money was raOVed bZ VendOng “FSrm QetterV” tS aQQ knSXn FSrmer memberV aVkOng FSr dSnations. Several local businesses made contributions as well as individuals who wanted to help and were interested in the church. Through the combined efforts of all concerned, the contractor was paid in full in 1982, including the heating and air conditioning contractors. (Heating and air conditioning contractors were separate from building contractors.) The first service in the new church was held the second Sunday in August 1981. This was a very joyful and emotional service. Rev. Lyles and the member were able to see their dream become a reality as did Phillip Garner and George in 1897. The old church was remodeled in 1982 by Sister Vivian Harris to be used as a dinning and social hall for the church. The cornerstone and church sign were completed in June 1983. The cornerstone was laid the second Sunday in June, 1983, by the Progressive Masonic Lodge #403. From its inception, Pleasant Rock has produced outstanding people who have gone into the world and made their mark in various accomplishments including Agriculture, Education, Medicinal, Law, Business Owners, the Military, Ministers, Textile, Trucking and many other professions and trades. The common bond that they all have is that they received their start at Pleasant Rock. They all can look back with pride and dignity and thank God for the blessings received from Pleasant Rock and the many lives that have been affected in a positive way. Pleasant Rock members have kept the faith, fought a good fight, and maintained their heritage from the time that the church was founded until now. With their strong belief in God and fortitude of character and knowing the power of prayer, the members and future generations will continue to uplift the name of Jesus and serve the community henceforth now and forever more. In 2011, under the leadership of Pastor LeShown Goodwin, the church entered into a new phase. Since being elected pastor, Rev. LeShown Goodwin has inspired the members with a new vision. In June 2010, the members voted to build a new fellowship hall and renovate the pulpit area to add a baptism pool and renovate the bathrooms. Pastor Goodwin motivated the members to haWe a mOVVOSn Vtatement: “TS MStOWate and InVpOre a NeX GeneratOSn SF KOngdSm BuOQderV”. Also, new ministries and committees were form for the first time at Pleasant Rock: Ministries and Committee: Deacon Ministry Deaconess Ministry Trustee Ministry Jr. Usher Ministry Choir Ministry Youth Ministry Out-Reach Ministry Mentoring & Tutorial Ministry Pastor Aide Ministry Women Ministry *Sisters of the Rock* Sexton Committee Kitchen Committee Fundraiser Committee Renovation committee




In May 2011, the church had a new updated sound system installed. In July 2011, the VZVtem XaV updated tS pQaZ and recSrd CD’V. Presently, the Renovation Committee and Trustee Ministry are working diligently to acquire a loan to fulfill this generation vision of a new fellowship and baptism pool. And GSd’V XSrk cSntOnueV. TS GSd Be the GQSrZ!!! In July 2011 the old church was demolished. It was featured front page of the Index Journal. The paper also featured a video of the demolishing. Also, in July the Newsletter and Event Calendar Committee with the expert aVVOVtant SF Robert Hart Launched the church website, facebook, twitter and blog sites.





















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